Your content with links to excellent outside articles is getting much better, national distribution quality. That takes a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication. Thank you!

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Thank you. I also put out a personal substack 7 days a week and have for 2 years now and YES it is a full time job without pay. It is my effort to help busy people be informed.

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Thank you Karen. Excellent work. The Tom Woods article is stunning. He's been spot on for years. Best regards.

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Thank you for touching on the Chemtrail ban,as manynof us have still seen and documented them in the sky. There's a map that shows all geoengineering/cloud seeding operations, with one located in Tennessee. We gotta fight to remove them completely! Thank you again and again for your efforts to inform Tennesseans and your fight for what's right.

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Thank you. No this fight is not over because they are wrong. The fed federal government has no jurisdiction and they have no constitutional power in thus matter.

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Because he's a RINO.

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Yep. Thanks for the chuckle!!

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