Hello Karen. Although this is a step forward, the legislation provides no *enforcement* provision. That is: It fails to provide the public with methods of filing Civil complaint. Fails to provide Sheriffs with oversight or obligations of enforcement. And fails to provide for Criminal arrest and seizure of aircraft, facilities, and personnel traceable to the violation. It is pleasant theater, and citizen interests are not being served.

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I talked to Rep. Fritts last night. This bill was a first step. When dealing with controversial issues you need to eat the elephant one bite at a time. There will be more to come on this issue. You need to win some battles before you win the war. He is meeting with other states and the more we get on board the more restrictions can be made and he is not done with this effort. He is well versed on the issue and how dangerous it is. Let's be a bit appreciative for what has been accomplished and keep on top of this issue to make sure the law becomes stronger. Again he has not dropped this it is a very important issue to him. He fought a hard battle just getting this far and he is not about to stop now.

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Yes. Perhaps Mr Fritts could peruse legislative attempts pending in other States. Each entry can be reviewed via the "More" tab in the listing. Thank you to Mr Fritts and associates. https://zerogeoengineering.com/documents/

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Absolutely! Until I see results, this just feels like more preening, "feel good, do nothing" legislation. I hope I'm wrong. The bill's language "with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight" says literally nothing of intents to poison crops or vegetation, let alone PEOPLE. But I digress...

Particularly BECAUSE they have continued spraying chem trails in my part of Tennessee, after "THE BAN" went into effect! They were out between 11-1:30 on Monday (DAY 1 of "THE BAN!") and yesterday (DAY 2) between 1-2:30. Man! I feel SO protected by the never-ending BS feel-good-do-nothing crap passed by State "leaders!" NOT.

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Please see my response to Paul. I had a long discussion with Rep. Fritts on the enforcement issue.

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Thank you Mr Curlin. Refer to my latest reply to Ms Bracken. The provided link provides listed States legislation - including enforcement mechanisms.


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Good Day -- This is a wonderful and implicitly necessary step. As an old Federal Analyst, Mil. & Civ. - Outreach is an opportunity to coordinate voices. The Tenth Amendment Center, Tenth Amendment Center <team@tenthamendmentcenter.com> might be of assistance.

As well, this link is to the foremost peer reviewed and published document concerning the treasonous position of Federal Government complicity -- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362805618_Collapse_of_Earth%27s_Biosphere_A_Case_of_Planetary_Treason

Be Blessed, and to all readers, this is the Peoples house. WE are the Government. WE win if WE do

our due diligence. The group of socio-communists, Marxists, all know, and fear the single premise

of WE the people. WE simply must use the Tool. Lt Raven6 1965 - 1993 and on.

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One of TNCSS consultants is from the Tenth Amendment Center. We have a lot of their material on our website. My TNCSS co-founder David Vance is the host of TN Informer and tomorrows his guest is Michael Maharrey from the Tenth Amendment Center. You can watch tomorrow night at 7pmCT on YouTube.....Tennessee Informer.

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