Too early to see what fallout will develop regarding the Ninth Circuit court opinion. I'm sure the opinion will be contested by other Supreme court assigns in other jurisdictions...

This, on the other hand is good news for Tennesseans: Tennessee Passed HB2063 and SB2691 Prohibiting Geoengineering Experiments. >>> April 1, 2024 >>> https://zerogeoengineering.com/2024/tennessee-passed-hb2063-and-sb2691-prohibiting-geoengineering-experiments/

The mRNA bio-warfare products are not limited to injections only... Repeated deployment of pathogenic organisms via geoengineering programs are well documented...

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We also passed legislation for food that is injected with vaccines or mRNA must be labeled as a pharmaceutical. The Nullification and gold/silver bills will be heard again in 2025.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

TS has always been woke. Former cia is owner. Ive heard their chicken feed is alegedly sterilizing chickens.

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Thanks. I heard about the feed issue but didn't know it was TS

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