The biggest tragedy of the recent election in TN is the loss of Senator Frank Nicely. I follow Tennessee Stands and they were sounding the alarm bells about the dark money flowing in from outside to support Nicely’s opponent… Frank was an advocate for the people of TN and although I am not in his district, he supported many issues important to me. I was also disappointed that Becky “Duncan” Massey was re-elected. She had a viable opponent (Monica Irvine) who got 40% of the vote so obviously Senate district 2 is not all in for retaining the Duncan regime. Monica did have one fatal flaw - her support of “school choice” - we had many discussions about this so she wasn’t the perfect candidate either but I felt it was important to send a message to the uniparty that Massey needs to go.
That is too bad about Nicely, so many with good American spirit are continuing the fight into their elder years, giving up their 'retirements' to service instead because they know what's at stake.
Frank is truly a good man (he just pissed off the Governor by not supporting his farmland grab bill) and I believe he will work behind the scenes with Bud Hulsey and whoever ends up sponsoring the Senate gold/silver bills to get them passed in 2025. Tennesseans having the ability to pay debts using gold/silver will in the future be an imperative for our sovereignty. TNCSS will work hard to muster up citizen support for the nullification process bill as well as the gold/silver legislation. Thanks.
The biggest tragedy of the recent election in TN is the loss of Senator Frank Nicely. I follow Tennessee Stands and they were sounding the alarm bells about the dark money flowing in from outside to support Nicely’s opponent… Frank was an advocate for the people of TN and although I am not in his district, he supported many issues important to me. I was also disappointed that Becky “Duncan” Massey was re-elected. She had a viable opponent (Monica Irvine) who got 40% of the vote so obviously Senate district 2 is not all in for retaining the Duncan regime. Monica did have one fatal flaw - her support of “school choice” - we had many discussions about this so she wasn’t the perfect candidate either but I felt it was important to send a message to the uniparty that Massey needs to go.
That is too bad about Nicely, so many with good American spirit are continuing the fight into their elder years, giving up their 'retirements' to service instead because they know what's at stake.
Frank is truly a good man (he just pissed off the Governor by not supporting his farmland grab bill) and I believe he will work behind the scenes with Bud Hulsey and whoever ends up sponsoring the Senate gold/silver bills to get them passed in 2025. Tennesseans having the ability to pay debts using gold/silver will in the future be an imperative for our sovereignty. TNCSS will work hard to muster up citizen support for the nullification process bill as well as the gold/silver legislation. Thanks.