Nullification Debate/Knox For Liberty Freedom Fest/TN Stands TN Legislative Report Card
Wednesday August 14, 2024
FYI…..TNCSS has an EVENT CALENDAR on our Website. Please check it for upcoming events. If you have a patriot event or are hosting a TNCSS meeting let me know and I will enter the details on the EVENT CALENDAR. WEBSITE
Tennessee Alliance 2024 conducted a debate (at the request of TNCSS) on nullification. The debate was between Jeff Cobble who wrote the Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act and is an expert and historian on the TN and US Constitution. Mark Pulliam is a retired lawyer who himself claims he is not a historian on the subject but is against the act of nullification. Even if you attended the debate PLEASE watch the recording. I believe, like myself, you will see it in a different light. The debate was a bit over 2 hours and includes a Q&A session. While Mr. Pulliam was critical of my recitation of quotes from 4 of our founders he himself did the same thing throughout his presentation. One such person was Mark Levin. Mark Levin is NOT a constitutional scholar or historian an d he surely was not around at the time of our founders. In order to debate the Constitution at all you cannot do it accurately without being a historian on the subject. He mentions many strategies he feels are better than nullification but fails to realize in these days of massive voter and election fraud we are not left with the conventional solutions we have used in the past. Nullification of unconstitutional acts has always been the duty and responsibility of the state and the people of the state and historical research proves that to be true. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin when asked what kind of government did he give us…..he replied “a republic if YOU can keep it.” Mr Cobble showed a short film during the debate in which Justice Sotomayor clearly stated in part “there is nothing in the Constitution that says the court…the Supreme Court is the last word on what the Constitution means” Here you have it right from the horses mouth. The Constitution did not give the court the right to decide constitutionality they just took it. TNCSS wants to thank TN Alliance founder Ray Comeaux for allowing us to have this very important debate. Although we are on a differing side of the debate we do appreciate Mr. Pulliam for taking on the challenge and a special thank you to Mr. Michael Patrick Leahy (TN Star) for the fine job he did as our Moderator. I also want to extend my deepest appreciation to everyone that donated to help make this recording possible. DEBATE
PLEASE contact me personally if you wish to discuss the debate. I surely hope you took the time to watch Part 1 and Part II of a presentation by Dr. Brion McClanahan that I shared in our Thursday & Monday TNCSS Substack. He not only punches huge holes in Mr. Pulliam’s lack of historical knowledge about the Constitution and nullification it is a great historical lesson for everyone.
Commentary from TNCSS Co-Founder David Vance on the debate: We are very thankful to the Tennessee Alliance for hosting this most important debate. The issues debated not only addressed the very important topics of nullification but the very nature and principles of our founding as agreed to in the Constitution.
We are also greatly appreciate both Mr.Cobble and Mr.Pulliam being willing to travel a good distance on a Saturday to have this debate.
Last but certainly not least we want to thank Michael Patrick Leahy for being the moderator and doing an excellent job!
As you listen it will be obvious that attorney Jeff Cobble, the author of the proposed nullification bill has a superior grasp of our country’s history and founding principles. He concedes that his position on the issue of nullification, state powers, limited federal powers and who the Founders believed to be the final arbiter of constitutional questions is by far the minority position. Minority or not he makes a strong case for his position.
Mark Pulliam, a former attorney stated the common defense of federal and judicial supremacy based on a theory that ignores much of the history surrounding the Constitution. Mark is content to accept that the Supreme Court has power that it granted itself and that the Founders intended to create one big government whereby the states and individuals only have the rights or powers allowed by the Federal government as determined by the Supreme Court. Anything else will bring chaos, and that nullification is anarchy according to Mr.Pulliam.
Listen and decide for yourself! Ask yourself which vision supports limited government and real protections of your rights. Which one do you believe the Founders intended.
Knox For Liberty Freedom Fest Update - TNCSS Founder Karen Bracken and TNCSS Loudon County Leader Ray Morgan will have a table at the KFL Freedom Fest - Hope to see you there. So far there is a great list of speakers and will be a great day for patriots to meet up and have some fun. FREEDOM FEST
I shared this with TNCSS Subscribers several times but very few actually opened it. TN Stands has done the hard work for us. Know who you are voting for before you pull the lever. This resource gives a lot of information about our TN Assembly. It dives into their funding as well. We lost a great opportunity to clean out some really bad characters in our Assembly because of a very poor turnout and uninformed voters. Name recognition is NOT responsible voting. Save this link and use it as a good resource. TN LEGISLATIVE REPORT CARD
THANK YOU, Karen Bracken - Founder TN Citizens for State Sovereignty
The biggest tragedy of the recent election in TN is the loss of Senator Frank Nicely. I follow Tennessee Stands and they were sounding the alarm bells about the dark money flowing in from outside to support Nicely’s opponent… Frank was an advocate for the people of TN and although I am not in his district, he supported many issues important to me. I was also disappointed that Becky “Duncan” Massey was re-elected. She had a viable opponent (Monica Irvine) who got 40% of the vote so obviously Senate district 2 is not all in for retaining the Duncan regime. Monica did have one fatal flaw - her support of “school choice” - we had many discussions about this so she wasn’t the perfect candidate either but I felt it was important to send a message to the uniparty that Massey needs to go.