You should reach out to Catherine Austin Fitts to make her aware of this. She is a resident of TN and this is right up her ally! She has a tremendous reach across the liberty and freedom realm. This is her website - https://home.solari.com/

Just in case you are not aware (not likely:)), this is Tom Woods' excellent book on Nullification - https://www.amazon.com/Nullification-Resist-Federal-Tyranny-Century/dp/1596981490/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nullification&s=books&sr=1-1

I'm in NJ (moving soon) and will be keeping up with this initiative, taking it to wherever I land. I hope it becomes a model for many more states. I try to educate also that We the People are the top of the pyramid. The brainwashing runs so deep it scares most to think they are the ones with power!

Thank you and may God bless this important initiative!

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I have had Tom's book for years and I follow the work of Catherine Austin-Fitts. Yes I had her say she was now living in TN. She was living in Europe for a while. I will try to reach out to her. Thanks.

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What an exceptional contribution to this thread! 🙌

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Thank you. We are hoping to start a spark that eventually creates a brush fire. The legislation is already written and ready to go now we just need to get it passed in 2024. We hope to create a compact with other states and also to establish an oversight caucus and if possible this caucus will include not just legislators but citizens too.

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Would be nice to see citizens turn to Nationals as well. I have been contemplating moving to TN for a few years. Just yesterday I asked for a sign that was "bold" and your substack came up as a suggestion within hours! So grateful! I plan on learning more about all this terminology & desired outcome to see where I can be of some assistance. Thank you for your determination!

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Go Tennessee!!!

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The left has cheated its way through the last 2 elections and have no intention of losing Congress, the Executive and therefore control of the Judiciary in 2024.

Though the deck us stacked against us, we must still vote as if our lives depend on it because they do. We just might pull an upset.

The power of the states to nullify unconstitutional laws, acts, regulations is irrefutable. Karen Bracken and Dave Vance are intiating a patriotic and survival movement we must all join. It's an opportunity to take action. It's this spirit that that will win back our liberties.

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Thank you John. We have been working hard on this initiative. Dave has done some good interviews and has attended meetings in his area. He also had an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. I will have a table at the Knox for Liberty Freedom Fest. We now have 3 TN lawyers an constitutional experts on board. We have 9 legislators names on our website that are endorsing what we are doing and we are working to get more. We also have County Leaders. Think about stepping up for Bradley County. All we ask is to step up and get folks in your area to sign up on the Substack. The more counties we have on the wesite it lets our legislators know the people want HB726 to be passed in 2024.

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Jury Nullification in the US during civil rights movements protected Freedom of Speech AND POLITICAL DISSIDENTS


use this ^^ to nullify laws described here:

"there are several ... laws that should be repealed by Congress and/or nullified by federal and state courts"

Bridges v. Houston Methodist Hospital


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I just found you! Catherine Austin Fitts mentioned Hulsey's bill at the CHD event in Shelbyville. I have written to the Governor and Sen. Jackson, FWIW. Let's make a lot of noise about this! The globalists' next attack cannot be far off.

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Elliott.....that is what we have been doing since March 2023 when the Senate bill failed to get a 2nd in committee. I have been working with Rep. Hulsey. I will be sharing strategic actions starting in January 2024. Lee did not sign SJR9005 back in 2021 that supported nullification so I am not confident he will support this legislation BUT we have a super majority in TN so if he were to veto this legislation (when passed by House and Senate) we will override his veto. If he refuses to sign it still goes into affect. Stay tuned. Feel free to contact me. There is a contact form on our website that comes directly to my email. The website is: tncss.weebly.com I answer all emails within 24 hours.

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Wonderful, thanks.

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Jerry G

I attended the meeting at Greeneville in regards to the Nullification Bill HB0726 presided by a person well informed of state and federal constitutions, Jeffery C who explained the sections of the Bill. With the questionable stance of our federal government on so many issues preperation by our state with this kind of legislation is of utmost importance and timely.

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Not sure if you stayed until the end but I also talked for a few minutes (after a 3 hour presentation by Jeff I had to cut my presentation short but his presentation was worth giving up my presentation) about TNCSS. If you were still there sure wish you would have stopped to see me. THANKS for coming. I was invited to come back to Patriot Brigade of TN next meeting in November (16th at 6pm ET) where I will do a full presentation.

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Karen I do appreciate your involvement here creating this substack and all. Unfortunate the length of the meeting which was really good information cut your time short. Will you be going to the Nov. 6th Rogersville event with CA Fitts and legislators? I will be attending that meeting.

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No but I believe the co-founder of TNCSS, David Vance will attend. He has already met with Catherine once and will probably catch up with her again in Rogersville. She had promised to be on Dave's show TN Informer when she came back to the states.

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I’m in IL but will research and see what we can do here.

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Always nice to see fellow modern moron slaves to try to use the sub-system in order to create discomfort!

Lets wait and see what use comes of it...

Nonetheless... Don't forget that the USofT (T is not for Tennessee!) constitution means nothing to the Owners of the Plantation! https://postimg.cc/N9JX8mZF

Bernadette Pajer asked in her testimony "Why?" in reference to OPERATION COVIDIUS deaths and suicides and endings of marriages/friendships/business and so on.

The why is very simply to explain... https://postimg.cc/NLdGHgVG if we understand in what Civilization we're slaving around, while pretending to be Free.

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I have no misconceptions about whether we are free or not. I do know that the federal government is no longer a Constitutional Republic and has not been for a very long time. I have been trying to educate people for 20 years now. BUT if we do nothing except sitting around stating the obvious then we will be slaves in the very near future. So it is time to shut up and stand up and the only hope we have at this point is at the state level.

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"I have been trying to educate people for 20 years now."... what are the results of those 2 decades?

For me it is clear that we're already slaves. If doubts existed before 2020, Today, after OPERATION COVIDIUS, only those that want to pretend still claim otherwise.

I'll wait (hope) to see the outcome of that action (bill) in the Future... and by the way things are going you guys are going to have plenty of opportunities to use and test it.

Best of luck.

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I cant seem to find the arrow on my screen, where is the link to the 13 minute video?🤔...thank you for this substack, i will do all i can to increase awareness of Nullification.

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Adrian.....when you click on the link there is a white arrow right in the center of the screen right on Rep. Iris Rudder's face. Just click on that arrow and the video will start. If you have any other problems let me know. I sent out a TNCSS Substack every Tuesday at 9am. Once the legislation session starts on Januaury 9, 2024 we will have very simple actions that people can take to help us get HB0726/SB1092 passed. In the meantime ask your friends, neighbors and relatives to sign up on the Substack. The more members we have the more pressure it puts on our legislators to do what the people of TN want. THANKS!!

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“Kilgore includes a proposal for reform—that the doctrine of stare decisis should have no bearing in constitutional law. This is the common-law doctrine that past decisions of the court are binding upon the Court and, especially, on lower courts. Kilgore's argument is that, since judges take an oath to uphold the Constitution, they owe primary allegiance to it, and not to other judges' holdings. So on constitutional issues, every judge must look anew at the guarantees of the Constitution.”

This reform could be enacted at the state level too I would think.


Judicial Tyranny, by Carrol Kilgore


"A resolution recognizing Carrol D. Kilgore on his 50 years of outstanding, loyal and dedicated years of legal experience.

WHEREAS, Carrol D. Kilgore, a highly respected attorney, began practicing law in 1950, after receiving his law degree from Vanderbilt Law School, and is indeed deserving of special recognition for his noteworthy career; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Kilgore began his career in law after serving with the military for three-and-a-half years. After eleven years in private practice, he served as assistant U.S. Attorney until 1965, before joining the firm Branstetter, Kilgore, Stranch & Jennings; and

WHEREAS, drawing on his education and experience to benefit his fellow Tennesseans, Carrol D. Kilgore exemplifies the traits of integrity and commitment as a public servant in representing Davidson County..."



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The Constitution and writings of our founders make it very clear that the Judicial branch of our government is bound to only forwarding opinions (they do not make law) on issues pertaining to the 18 enumerated powers in the Constitution. The rightful remedy is Nullification. The final arbiter of the Constitution is the states and the people NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and that includes the Supreme Court.

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Awesome! Would like to learn more. In GA tho not TN.. following.

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Welcome!! If I can be any help or if you want to talk live let me know. The bill we are going to pass here in TN is available on our website: tncss.weebly.com. HB0726 can be found under the TN Legislation tab. Perhaps you could get sponsors in the GA legislature to sponsor the bill. We would love to have other states pass the same bill and then form a compact of states. karen.bracken@reagan.com 215-692-2147

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These Grand Juries have never produced any positive results or change. Sad but true.

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I'm not a lawyer, but it seems like an important power that the people have to hold government accountable, at least in theory. Maybe its time that it be taken beyond theory.

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When you write your bill be sure to clarify the word "God" by which you mean the Holy Father in Heaven because the ones who are orchestrating this genocide believe in satan and the return of satan.

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I get it your not them sorry. Was trying to send that was meant for the Nullification comittee. I'm in southern IL 5th district. Used to live inTN love it. East side is god's country. Memphis needs an exorcism. Did you know the Kane Tuck Khee land (Ky/Tn) translates as "The land set aside for times of trouble" why no one tribe settled there. They all stood by that. Why early settlers had an easy time establishing. Relatively easy Shawnee then Creek led raids but no unified tribal opposition. 1812 then secured the northern border, think that may have been the point of the War. Entice natives to side with England then leave them to face the US alone. I think te US took 5 states then Mi in the 30s. If any significant number of Americans are to survive whats coming they need somewhere to go. Those two states Nullify they could protect a great multitude of sheep. Border states hold the neighboring counties keep access open. Til they can't goinf to try to hold whoever comes against us here or garden of the gods. Like to hold at Starving Rock just south of Chicago. Chicago is.why we are blue. But every sizable city is blue. Only three or four south of hwy 64. Sorry bout the mixup, I like the idea but needs to happen before the next election imho.

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Thanks. I live in East Tennessee (Bristol) walking distance to VA. I love it here but we have our RINOs and our Governor is one of those RINOs. But we don't need his permission to nullify or use the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine.

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We need this done in Pa. as well! It's a big shitshow here...Governor Shapiro, Fetterman, a crap ton of RINOs. Our state didn't vote Biden..or Fetterman. We now have automatic voter registration when you get a Pa. drivers license. Our state is infiltrated with immigrants from all over the world & yep, military age men who are usually together in groups of 4 or more. Our school district is filled with lgbtq, furries & a school board with a president who is 70+ yrs old & members whose kids graduated back in the 90s. Our new schools they've built are mostly all glass!! It's disgusting!😱

We're screwed here in Pa. if we don't do something like y'all are! Many people here have the same feelings as I do. Thanks for your helpful info!! God bless you! God always wins!🙏🙏

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Jodie......I hear ya. I was born in Philadelphia and raised in New Jersey but lived many of my adult years in PA. I fought to have the election of Obama investigated when he ran in 2008 and 2012. I lived in PA at the time. I also ran a "get out the vote" office in Doylestown, PA in 2010 when the Rs to Congress. PA and NJ both are hot beds for election fraud and have been for many years. I agree neither Shapiro or Fetterman were elected. They were selected just like Uncle JoeBama. You still have some good people in your House and Senate. Find one in each house and get them to sponsor the bill we have here in TN. It is available on our website tncss.weebly.com under the TN Legislation tab. And organize a group like TNCSS (PACSS) and fight to get it passed. Nullification is truly our last peaceful solution. But if the people are not willing to fight for their freedom then there is no hope for PA or any other state.

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Amen sister!! Thank you SO much for your reply! Yes there are still a few good representatives here. I will do what I can & connect with people to get started on this! Thanks again! Very grateful!

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If I can help in anyway just reach out.

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