
I know many well-intentioned individuals who just don't get it. I believe a key reason that they don't get it is because they hang around those pushing the agenda, and the well-intentioned individuals fail to realize those individuals are pushing a global agenda. They believe the global agenda is only pushed nationally and global. Au contraire!!! Some of the most dangerous pushers of the global agenda are operating at the state and local levels.

Until the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is overturned and politicians with morals, principles, and guts outnumber the puppets selected and supported by both major parties, the children of our country will continue to be deliberately dumbed down by TEPTB (The Evil Predators That Be). For those who believe this is a Democrat issue, the ESSA was shepherded through Congress by Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and SOH Paul Ryan (R-WI), with help from certain Demoncrats, in 2015. Both parties are in on the con, and Betsy DeVos was a disaster atop the Department of Education.

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AMEN. I worked with a group of people tirelessly to stop the passage of ESSA. After it was passed we formed a group (I was the co-founder with Anita Hoge) called: Child Abuse in the Classroom: A Legal Challenge to ESSA. We knew this legislation was a mental health bill not an education bill. Lamar Alexander has been a scar on education since his days under Ronald Reagan but the people from TN just kept on voting for him and probably only because of name recognition. I was also the founder of Tennessee Against Common Core but once ESSA got passed I knew the fight was fruitless so I began working with families to transition from public school to home education.

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