Listen carefully to Mr Cobble's dialog concerning the creation of the Constitution and the Lawful *processes* specified in Article 1, Section 8. The video is lengthy, so I've jumped to the beginning of his presentation. >>> https://youtu.be/sVDOIyyiVC4?t=1904

Note his comments and analyses regarding *agreed upon* limits of Executive and Judicial powers. The executive and judicial branches of government CANNOT (by law) legislate Law. This holds true for ALL agency "mandate" such as those professed by Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control, Homeland Security, etc. These FACT's should be no mystery to our legal classes and States Attorneys General...

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The American school system has been so dumbed down that the majority of people today have no clue regarding their rights and the creation of our founding documents. BECAUSE if they did the feds could never get away with what they have done over the years. And that is why they have dumbed down education. And of course we then have those that just love the nanny state.

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Hello Karen. Too true. I was somewhat fortunate in being educated in a small rural school that taught *real* American history. My grandfather was the editor/owner of a small Catholic newspaper that was quite political in it's analyses. Plenty of political corruption in the early 60's, and it's only metastasized throughout our culture...

You (and readers) may benefit from this excellent commentary by Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America - Part One >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7Ucf9NqFcA

I found that Ms. Iserbyt was right on the money years ago. Best regards.

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this was great, thanks Paul

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Thank you Jacquelyn. I don't receive many compliments in my rounds... Very refreshing. Best regards.

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Hope and pray but doubt TN's legislature has enough Conservatives to do anything this smart.

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It will take citizen action to convince them they will vote for this legislation or we will actively work to remove some of them from office.

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Consider filling writs of Quo Warranto against all legislative persons in party to these breaches of Constitutional guaranties. Quo Warranto specifies procedural removal from office. This link has recently been listed as "unsafe" but follow past the ploy. https://constitution.org/1-Activism/writ/quo_warranto.htm

Also this brief introduction from Cornell law school: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quo_warranto

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Our Constitution is indeed our bedrock, and nullification, the way to save ourselves from the fast-advancing tyranny. Do you think TN has the fortitude of leadership to make it happen?

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The bigger question is do the people of TN have the fortitude to stand up and support this legislation. We need a ton of citizen support when the next session starts because the AG and the Governor do not want this legislation passed. We must put so much VOTER pressure on them they fear us more than they do the AG or the Governor. There are 9 members on the Senate State and Local Government Committee and anyone one of them that votes against this legislation will be a priority target to take out of office. Committee members up for election in 2026 are Sen. Lowe, Sen. Briggs, Sen. Yarbro, Sen. Jackson, Sen. Pody (he is the only one out of the 5 up for election that support the legislation) the rest, if they vote NO will be targeted for our group to actively work against their election. There are 2 (Lowe and Briggs) that I will personally organize to take out of office in 2026.

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