We'll have to go to nullification. The installed has committed to the WHO.

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May 22·edited May 22

Nullification should extend to the county level. There are several states where the majority of counties are deep red, but state government is blue. People in these counties have the same constitutional rights as people in red states.

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Nullification at the county level is quite possible to do but it takes the PEOPLE to stand up and REFUSE TO COMPLY because that is what Nullification is. Just as the state refusing to comply with unconstitutional acts of the federal government is invoking nullification the people do the same at the local level but sadly most people do not have the will to do the work.of protecting their God given rights.

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It starts with education as to what is possible. I fully support nullification at every level necessary. But my impression is that most people have no idea it’s possible at the county level, much less state level.

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The states and the people of the states who created the federal government and delegated few and defined legislative authorities can and must nullify federal overreach.....our founders said it was our duty to keep the federal government in line. The state created the cities and counties so only the people can nullify unconstitutional acts by the states. Same with unconstitutional acts at the city and county level. It just takes the will and courage of the people. Both of which are sorely lacking in most people today. We have bowed to our slave masters and slaves we will be much sooner than later.

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