Why are we still seeing chemtrails in MD TN? I thought a ban went into effect?

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I cannot speak for MD but below is what I will be sending out on Wednesday. I had a one on one with Rep. Fritts regarding the enforcement of the legislation.

On July 1, 2024 the geoengineering bill took effect (Pub. Ch. 709). I have received many reports from Tennesseans and pictures that since July 1st they are still seeing spraying in our skies. I was able to speak with Rep. Fritts (sponsor) about this and asked him how the law will be enforced. That is still something that needs to be worked out. He knows more work is needed but getting this law passed was a huge battle and accomplishment. He is working with other states and hoping to get a few more states on board which will give us a better shot at enforcement. He is aware there was no enforcement agency in the bill and he acknowledged there is more work to be done. So be patient. Sometimes ya gotta eat the elephant one bite at a time but I have full faith in Rep. Fritts. He is very passionate about this issue.

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Jul 8Liked by Karen Bracken

Thanks for the explanation and also for keeping us TN folk informed

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The state government other than the few you mentioned are out gunned by the Rest of the parrots doing Fed speak and handouts, leads one to believe they are bought and paid for. They don’t do what’s good for Tennesseans.

Reminds me of the Battle of Athens 1946

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Even though the TNCSS interview with Vance, O’Shea and yourself was over a month old, prior to the IHR amendments hurriedly ramrodded though the WHA - and I agree that’s the main thrust of nefarious WHO interventions - I couldn’t stop watching this trove of invaluable information. I was admittedly slack jawed on more than a few occasions. I learned so much.

With my own state of WV’s chronic addiction to federal funds massively investing in such unproven technologies as humongous carbon sequestration, because without said funds it would likely rapidly deteriorate, sadly, into a third world cesspool, I seriously wonder if it’s a lost cause. I moved here two years ago from CA and sometimes wonder, “where the hell am I?” Especially when the local mainstream media is of course biden blue but the vast majority red staters seem clueless about issues such as covid shot harms or the murderous chicanery going on in Ukraine. The two term GOP governor here is a big coal guy, up to his ears in debts and fines, yet will breeze to a seat this fall in the US Senate. BTW he gave out savings bonds to get the jabs.

It’s all incredibly bewildering.

Karen, I am very interested how you got so involved with the nullification fight in TN among other issues. I was forced into early retirement from DOD, know a couple of state politicians here and have the time to up my involvement in this war. I could use some advice on where to best direct my efforts. If you ever have ten free minutes please call me (310) 291.2359..

Thanks for all you’ve doing!

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As bad as it may seem here in TN it is much better than most states especially CA. I had shared that interview the day after it was done but decided to share it again. It seemed appropriate given the news I was trying to get out. Although I have tried several times. There are blue pockets in TN just like there are in many states. I always tell folks to lean more toward the east side of TN and stay away from Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis. TN is still a very conservative state but they are doing their best to infiltrate and destroy what we have here but southerners can be stubborn people and they love their God, their freedom and their country. We are working on trying to convince a man that will be the remedy for all of this if we can convince him to run for Governor. And you are absolutely right Lee is looking for bigger and better things. I am so sure he is a coal man but there is nothing wrong with coal. The left put out a lot of lies about coal just like they have a climate change and fossil fuels and they have a reason for doing so. It is all about mobility. I will surely call you. Where in TN are you living.

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Thanks for the reply.

Actually I live in West Virginia.

Have you heard anything about a nullification movement here ?

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To my knowledge there is nothing like it in any other state. We have been talking to legislators in Louisiana and they created something similar to our legislation. We have 5 pathways in which to invoke Nullification and I believe LA is only going to have 3 or 4 pathways. One of our 5 pathways is a petition from the people with 2,000 signatures and the LA bill requires 5,000 signatures. We are hoping if TN passes the bill other states will jump on board. The repeal of the Chevron deference will be a big help in order for us to fight back.

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Agree that Chevron decision is a boost. CDC had zero authority to mandate masks and distancing. FAA no legal ground to mandate the shots. And then biden and his EOs just pathetic.

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Great interview with Brian O'Shea.

The CCP plowed their trade surplus back into politicians and judges.

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Thanks Elliott.

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