You don't get the government you deserve, but you get the government they think you deserve.

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Well when less than 20% of Tennesseans voted in this primary I will stick with you get the government you deserve.

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How about, You don't get the government you deserve, you get the government the communists install for you?

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Well when less than 20% of Tennesseans voted in this primary I will stick with you get the government you deserve.

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Well, from things I've read lately, the lazy ones not voting may be unhappy with what they get.

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What's REALLY sad is that many who do vote can't tell you who their elected officials are and what they stand for. We got John Stevens for senator again. He, financed by RINOs, flooded mailboxes with ads of the few good things he did. VERY few know how many good bills he killed.

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Yep Stevens is one of the Governors lapdogs. And most just pull the lever for the name they have heard before or even worse the first name on the list. TN had a great opportunity to get rid of a lot RINOs but instead several of the good guys got squashed because they bucked the Governor's signature legislation but the Governor could not (and boy did he try) save Jon Lundberg. We here in Lundberg's district made sure of that. And we intend to watch Bobby Harshbarger like white on rice. Gardenhire, Behn, Jones, Stevens, Yager, Gloria Johnson, Pearson, Campbell and a laundry list of others should have been voted out of office. Instead we lost Ragan and Niceley. That is what happens when you buck the Governor. And the list of people running unopposed is also a disgrace. Agai, YOU WILL GET THE GOVERNMENT YOU DESERVE.

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Good morning! Any update on the Summer Study Schedule?

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No. I am calling the Lt. Governor's office tomorrow. Tomorrow is 1 week since the election so I am giving him a week. I sent 2 emails and have gotten no response so I will be making a phone call tomorrow. As soon as I know something I will let everyone know. I also have a message out for Senator Pody. He is the Senator that called for the Summer Study and I just want to see if he can get us some info.

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Thanks, Karen. Did they dodge you?

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The Restore Liberty article lays the situation pretty bare, yet only repeats what's been stated hundreds of thousands of times. The sheep will continue to bleat, and the media will cheer itself onward...

If the civilian public actually cared about *alleged* liberties, they would Force Civil Referendum legislation against ALL forms of Political Action "Committee" and dictate a complete ban on ANY private party contribution exceeding $1000 US. It is obvious from history that the Representative Democracy playing field has never been level. Read my lips: "Never".

Direct Democracy via 75% Civil Referendum and selection of candidates via Sortition would be the first steps toward a functional Democratic Republic. Most civilians won't even bother to look up the definitions.

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So you are saying our original democratic Republic is the cause of why its playing field has never been "Level?"

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Excuse me but America was NEVER a democratic Republic. We were created as a constitutional republic. Our founders hated democratic rule. A democratic form of government is mob rule. Of course we have drifted so far away from our Constitution that most people have no clue how our government steals from us every day........money, freedom, liberty, justice. Time to take it back or we are going down and very soon. We here in TN pray our legislation which creates 5 pathways in which to nullify federal overreach goes through in our next legislative session. Even with out the people of TN are tired of the abuse not only by our federal government but also by our state and local government.

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That;s great. And yes it is not a democracy, that is not what it is. The Constitutional Republic is a democratic Republic. We vote on issues. Not rights. Your rights are not voteable.

But I think the leader of this feed was being critical of it and I wanted to get his clarification thus my question to him. To learn something new to chew on to see if it has any accuracy or not. Life is ongoing learning. No one gets everything perfect. Not even all of you smart and courageous people.

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I wasn't specifically referring to the original democratic republic nor the attempted Constitutional Confederacy which preceded it. I was referring to ALL alleged Representative democracies in world history.

The functions of "representative" democracies have always been controlled by Royalty and oligarchic "trade" groups and the financial interests they employ. The profitability of usury finance has always prevailed over the social interests of civilian life.

The unsupported belief that the civilian public has "inherent rights" is remarkably ignorant of actual facts... We've always been slaves toiling away at a plantation-like feudal existence, whilst royal families enjoy the freedoms of unlimited access to land, power, and resource. This should be abundantly clear by now.

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Thanks. Your position is clear. And just because it is abundantly clear that America is infiltrated by every form of collectivism inside and outside our Nation and in our politics and businesses and are our neighbors as technocrats and collectivist ect ect does not mean that our highly unique Constitution is fraudulent as proposed and as is popularized and that it was not designed to keep all of this at bay, and that it doesn't still have its power to do so. Law is complex. It is not invulnerable to these scum bag low life powerful globalist that are organized and organizing to enslave us completely and worse. Make of the Constitutional Republic what you will but it is our tool for freedom and protection and prosperity that can and will work in some states that want it. Got to decentralize to the state level. Starve the beast from there and then starve the beasts in the state level ect. It is about freedom. Real freedom. Which our unique structure is already in place.

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Hello Sean. It took 13 years to assemble the final draft of the Constitution, and whilst the original intent were clear, declared clauses were added in 1871. (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_the_Confederation) Numerous fraudulent land claims allowed off-shore interests 'interpretive' cracks to exploit. The key problems were continuing trade and banking exchange with European markets. These issues were heavily debated until the original Articles of the Confederacy faded from their place in history...

You can claim all the Independence in the world, but if civilian financial practices are not clearly restricted and/or banned, true independent action becomes an expensive mirage. Our regulatory agencies have taken control over Constitutional authority, and we've lost the war for independence.

“Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” - Samuel Adams - (September 27, 1722 - October 2, 1803) Thank you for commenting.

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Clauses have been used to twist the intent of the Constitution. I wrote a paper explaining the original intent of the Supremacy Clause, Necessary and Proper Clause, the General Welfare Clause, the Commerce Clause etc. etc. to dispel the lies about these clauses. Bottom line there is no clause in the Constitution that expands the powers delegated to the federal government in Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution.

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Hello Karen. Yes. I read your original post regarding Article 1, Section 8 some months ago, and I largely agree with the intent. However; 'legal' systems that should support valid interpretations have been overrun by BAR Association infiltration. All former courts of Law, including the Supreme Court, have been corrupted via intrusion of the International Bar Association and their assigns.

My interpretation of "National Sovereignty" would require a complete closure of all National borders, the imposition of ban on all foreign trade, and the erasure of all Constitutional Amendments which followed the original 13th Amendment. - Just for starters -

Our Constitution has been overthrown by 'legal' classes that should never have seen the light of day in modern America. Thank you for your efforts.

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There are multiple scenario's that everything about America is fraudulent. You are not the only deep researcher that is looking for that evidence. And satisfy that inquiry. To your satisfaction. None of you agree except that you are all correct and nothing else is correct. Based on your evidence that out shadows any other evidence. Fine. Make another one of those clubs. It is popularizing and you get a few. Jeez I met people that tell me their family has fought in every American war, but they are all now socialist because it is all over, we are socialist. Get a government job is their advice. Gone hmm?

For me, regardless of overlays or fake ratifications or customs or legal vs lawful or dejure vs de facto or emergency war powers, and patriot act and NDAA ect ect. I am willing to have freedom as the Constitution reflects. That builds toward that hallucination or complete falsehood as it looks you prescribe to. Of coarse I am familiar with a few of them, I live here too. It is either the Law of the land or it isn't. They use it as its premise and exercise their infiltration of evils and I would use it too, to null and void everything they are doing as the Constitution would. It is pretty simple. The encroachment of using the Constitution to kill America is obvious. That is what is being done. So the idea is to use what is in place to fight for this free place to be and live and create, that has already been established and never speak like they have already won. Defeat is a mind program. They put out stuff to this end. Its called propaganda. But standing for Americas freedom, not to change this country to a Theology Country, no, but a free country to have any of those you want and the rest of it, is the name of the game. And to nullify everything to the contrary.

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I agree that the *original* Constitution was written "by and for the people". Refer to Daniel Webster's speech to the Senate in 1830:

"...It is, Sir, the people's Constitution, the people's Government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people. The people of the United States have declared that this Constitution shall be the supreme law. We must either admit the proposition or dispute their authority."

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address insults our intelligence by insinuating that the alleged "Union" had a right to slaughter 650,000 citizens to secure freedom. Who's freedom? Answer: The 'legalized' freedoms of banking and commerce...


The oft repeated falsehood that Abraham Lincoln was working for the benefit of the populace, is the most egregious lie in American history. As I stated above, Lincoln opened the door to 'legalized' infiltration of our government by an exclusive class of thieves, liars, corporate racketeers, and war mongers.

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