Great and important post. Sadly, we are far past this issue in this country's current lawless existence, since the Hollow Man non-citizen Barry Soetoro / Barrack Obama / etc. (with multiple SSNs to boot) was shuttled into office and occupied the WH for two terms. If our country survives the approaching destruction and civil conflict and emerges on the other side--having defeated domestic tyranny in all forms, as well as the globalist interlopers and their hordes of blind followers, brainwashed leftist slaves, and foreign invader orc armies, etc.--then hopefully we can rebuild this country with the Constitution intact as the supreme law of the land (with the necessary tweaks, of course, like: no more Federal Reserve and Ponzi scheme fake money system; guards against lobbying and corporate power [no more corporate "personhood"]; no more IRS or illegally-enforced "income" taxation; restoration of power of the individual states; unquestionably-worded and absolutist First and Second Amendments and the rest of the Bill of Rights; a removed or seriously abridged commerce clause; National Guard units returned to state authority; etc.).

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Hello Freedom Farmer. I couldn't agree more. No one hung for employing Mr Soetoro as our alleged president... Successful plans for the overthrow of the original Bill of Rights have been made incrementally operative since the erasure of the Original 13th Amendment. The Original "Titles of Nobility" amendment prohibited persons of foreign "title" ANY positions in governmental agency, period. What does the title "Esquire" represent? B.A.R. Attorneys Are Not Licensed | The Liberty Beacon >>> https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/b-a-r-attorniesattorneys-are-not-licensed/.

As the original 13th Amendment was never repealed, and was indeed unlawfully replaced with a 'legal' fiction, the entire Federal bureaucracy has been in breach of fiduciary agreement with the civilian populace since approximately 1861. Thank Abraham Lincoln...

Therefore; all subsequent amendments to the former Constitution represent repetitive and egregious acts of Treason. Thank you for your astute comment.

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Thank you, sir, for the in-depth and real historical perspective and for the Liberty Beacon link. The incorporation of the United States in 1871 was another blow, too, of course. (I'm guessing you are familiar with Anna Von Reitz: https://annavonreitz.com/ )

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I always wondered how a corporation could be considered a person, and yet if it goes down, file bankruptcy and the owners could protect their assets? I’m unlearned, but if you’re a person as a corporation, then your person during bankruptcy should go down with your corporation. But what do I know?

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Indeed. And C-level executives and boards can steer their corporations toward illegal activities and escape penalties, appropriate prosecution, jail time, and all the rest.

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I'm just more optimistic, I guess. The more they do it, the more blatant and obvious they are. Plague your federal reps and senators!! Get them to understand that without the Constitution there is no America. It MUST BE ENFORCED!!!

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Yes. Kamala Harris, by virtue of her foreign parentage, is NOT a "natural born Citizen" as understood by the Founders and Framers of the U.S. Constitution. This would have been clearly understood at the time.

I believe it's entirely a matter of the allegiance that can only be instilled by virtue of parentage, not by accident of location of birth.

(I believe you reference Emer de Vattel?)

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Yes he wrote the Law of Nations

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No, she is not; nor was Barry Obama before her, but for reasons almost no one has talked about. The Minor v Happersett decision looks at US citizenry exhaustively, is legally definitive, and delivers a fatal blow to both of them.

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This article is excellent. It shines the light on what many of us have been saying and fighting. I recently had a small public debate with a lawyer here in TN. He clearly does not know the constitution nor understand it and wanted to state that the 14th amendment covers illegals and all foreigners to the benefits of our constitution. I brought that up to say that largely it is lawyers (not all but most) who have worked to destroy the meaning and intent of the constitution. Lawyers have worked hard to destroy our nation and for what? What is their allegiance to? Certainly not the United States.

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You are so right but lawyers only know what they were taught. It is the education system from K-12 and above that has destroyed the Constitution. Sadly we have one such lawyer as the AG of TN. i wanted an easy explanation for people and a good friend of mine who I consider a constitutional expert worked on this for me.

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Unfortunately we are pass the Rubicon. Pandora's box has been open, and in my opinion it will not get better until the return of Jesus. But that does not mean we don't fight this evil. On the contrary, we are to continue fighting evil until we have no breath or the Lord comes back. Remember no man can fix this. If they do come and fix this, he is probably not who you think it is, but the antichrist. 🤷 Unfortunately, as good as we have it in Tennessee we still have bad actors in our legislature that are wolves in sheep clothing. God bless you all.

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I mean no disrespect, but the Founding Fathers certainly didn't wait on the hand of providence; they resorted to warfare to repel tyranny. Jesus can sort it all out after it's done, but it still needs to be done.

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Please go back and read what I said. 🤷 No where did I say to sit back and not do anything.

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Sorry, perhaps I mistook what you meant when you said, "[N]o man can fix this." I think we (men and women) can and must... but point taken.

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Yes. Let's wait on the invisible and useless powers that have ignored the harassment and destruction of all life on the planet. Nice plan. Next. >>>

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If your right then your a daisy. But if your wrong then eternity in hell is a long time. Personally I use to be agnostic, once I did my research I came to the conclusion that Jesus was God. I have no problem with you thinking I am a dumb ass I don't care about that. But I felt I had to take the time to atl least tell you the truth and go research. God bless.

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Somewhat off-topic, but dual citizens should not be eligible for ANY oath-sworn national office.

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Absolutely agree

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Correct. Can one have more than One national allegiance? I don't think so. But our congress (small c) is made up of over 50% multiple citizen - ships. See Maritime Rule. Laws Merchant. Uniform Commercial "Code", etc...

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I applaud your challenging this, Karen!

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Thank you. I spent 2 years working with the North American Law Center to impeach Obama and Paul Ryan stood in the way. Obama's father was a British subject and therefore Obama was not a NBC. But as the years go on the left changes the definition to cover for their favored candidate. They have now reduced it down to if you were born on US soil you are a NBC and that is the craziest of all. But Americans have no clue and they buy into the lies.

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Thanks, Karen! This makes the second time this rule has been violated. Barracks O'Butthead, the Irishman. was also NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN!!!!! I will be writing our Florida Rep's and Senators to plague them with the truth! Plus, this makes a great article for our local newspaper. I'm gonna write them an article. Thanks for your research and God Bless you all in Tennessee for your work and research!

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Speaking of Constitutional dictate: >>> Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution: Clause 1 Cases or Controversies

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more States;—between a State and Citizens of another State;—between Citizens of different States;—between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects."


Read the entire page carefully. Are there any mention of "Courts of Chancery"? Look up the roles employed by Courts of Chancery... Delaware (State) hosts the main Court of Chancery. Why?

Any mention on the page utilizing the title "Civilian"? Nope. Civilians are not Maritime property. Citizen - ships and Corporations are... THINK!

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CASES but nothing in the Constitution says they are the final arbiter of all that is constitutional or not constitutional.

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Yay!!! Someone who understands Supreme Court limits of jurisdiction. The final arbitrator was subject to the will of The People. Not dictatorial governance *over* the people...

Notice too, the use of the term "Case" law. As in cases of cargo...

Case law is the most repellent of all interpretation of judicial event. Case law (small l) indicates that a previous alleged judge, who is not resident to the current jurisdiction, dictates an arbitrary rational based on that particular incident. Thus all such 'legal' precedent is applicable to the current arbitration. The ploy is a cop out and a fraud. The majority of our 'legal' classes actually agree with this obfuscation of justice. Alas...

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deletedAug 31
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Her parents only needed to be citizens of the United States prior to her birth then she would have been a NBC. Her parents were foreign students here on temporary visas......that alone excludes the from being "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" which also exclude Kamala from being a citizen. The 14th quotes 2 qualifications to be a citizen. 1. born in America 2. subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Her parent temporary status excluded them from meeting #2. Truth be known......the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments to the Constitution were the slave amendments and the 14th amendment pertained to freed slaves that were born in America but never considered citizens. The 14th amendment gave the freed slaves citizenship. But hey what does facts and truth mean when you are trying to make everyone a citizen in order to get votes. But a citizen is not the same as a NBC.

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