When promises disappear, the voucher mirage will cost us all. - TN Stands - PLEASE take the time to read this article. Before you allow yourself and your children to get lured into yet another scheme to get all children under the same education system you need to know the facts - This article also mentions Corey DeAngelis (who pushed the voucher scheme in TN). He openly admitted to participating in gay pornography AND he worked with UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab. UNESCO’s agenda is to get all children into the same indoctrination system. DEMAND that our legislators vote NO. They answer to us not the Governor. DEMAND that our legislators do the hard work instead of throwing good money after bad. DEMAND they pull TN out from under the federal government’s Department of Education. What this Governor wants to spend on this scheme will end up costing more to the tax payer than any money the federal government gives us and if the AG had a spine he would challenge them trying to take money from the state. The Supreme Court stopped Trump from taking funds from CA when they declared CA a sanctuary state. If we returned to real academic education and got out from all of the federal mandates we would SAVE money. Money does not make poor children learn. Good teachers and good curriculum is what they need. We don’t need standards. Before the Dept. of Ed was created we didn’t have standards and we had 98% literacy in this country. Bottom line…..The Dept. of Ed was created to destroy education. Until we get out they can throw all the money and all the useless schemes at education they want and nothing will improve. This years new bill has enticements in it to garner votes. Like a $2,000 bonus for ALL teachers. Also, the public school will not have an funding taken away. So the taxpayer can pay twice for students leaving the public school and going to a private school. Our TN Constitution says the state is to provide a FREE PUBLIC education not a public AND private education. In a recent survey of 3800+ Tennesseans only 32% of those surveyed supported this voucher scheme. I have attached the bill below. And HB0001/SB0001 both were filed with no fiscal note? How does that happen when this bill will create a new budget line item and cost millions. TN STANDS ARTICLE
STRINGS ATTACHED: TN Stands has created a booklet and a take action button to send a message to your TN Representative and your TN Senator regarding the voucher bill. This booklet has the facts AND the figures. PLEASE take the appropriate action and read the booklet to get educated and be an informed Tennessean. You might also want to send a copy to your state legislators. GET THE BOOK and TAKE ACTION You can print the booklet or you can order the booklet from Amazon. TN Stands makes only 9 cents on orders from Amazon so this is not a money making scheme. The cost is $3.99 and the book is bound. I ordered several copies.
Knowledge and truth is not worth anything if you do not share it. PLEASE SHARE THIS SUBSTACK with everyone in TN that you know.
THANK YOU, Karen Bracken and Gary Humble!!
David Webb: "The Great Taking, what I mean by that is it's not just about your IRA, this is about everything. This is about subjugation. It is a geopolitical strategy. It's essentially a hybrid war that we're in and they don't need your property, they don't need your money, the objective is that you will not have your property, you will not have your money and then you will have no recourse but to accept the solution that they have for you."
Alex Newman: "And what is that solution? Central Bank digital currency and total control?"
David Webb: "I think Central Bank Digital Currency."
Alex Newman: "What we're talking about is an attempt to steal basically the entire productive capacity of the planet, from me, from you, from normal people using lies using deception using surreptitious means."
— The Great Taking: Exposing the Largest Heist in Global History - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZGPfX-KJkw