114th Legislative Session/TNCSS Petitions/Upcoming Events/School Vouchers and UNESCO
Wednesday January 8, 2025
The 114th TN Legislative Session begins Tuesday, Janaury 14, 2025. Once the session gets underway TNCSS will publish 2 TNCSS Substacks per week. One TNCSS Substack will publish on Wednesday and will cover TNCSS news. The 2nd TNCSS Substack will publish every Friday until the end of the legislative session and will cover legislative activities that TNCSS will be following along with actions that our subscribers can take if they want to help. All actions will be easy to do and require very little time and/or effort.
If you have any signed petitions please be sure to get them to me. So far we have 556 signatures on paper petitions and 332 on-line petition signatures. Given we have been collecting signatures for over 10 months this is a lot less than we had anticipated but I do deeply appreciate everyone that did get signatures on the paper petitions and for those that signed the on-line petition as well. If you have any paper petition sheets please mail them to me at:
Karen Bracken, 309 Brookwood Drive, Bristol, TN 37620.
These petitions will be given to Senator Bowling and Representative Hulsey showing Tennesseans support for the Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act that will be submitted again in 2025 under new bill numbers. THANK YOU.
School vouchers will be again a huge issue during the 2025 legislative session. Bottom line is that the globalist agenda is to have ALL children under the same education system and the only way they can achieve that is to infiltrate the private and religious schools using funding schemes. At first they will start out appeasing to the parents as the promise (lie) to provide good education for all children. Just as they did with the promise (lie) of Charter Schools and the promise (lie) of No Child Left Behind and the promise (lie) of Common Core. One of the main priorities of the global implementation of Common Core was to insure that ALL students in the world were learning the same thing. That cannot happen as long as we allow fringe systems like private, religious and home school to function outside the agenda (the UK will vote on a bill next week to pretty much shutter home school). Eventually once infiltrated these schemes will result in achieving the ultimate goal. Anyone that is not aware of what is taking place at the UN (UNESCO - United Nations Education, Science, Cultural Organiation) need to start paying attention. One man that was the face of the “school choice” scheme here in TN (and other states) Corey DeAngelis (former gay porn actor) is affiliated with the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab (of course after his unprofessional behavior his name has been scrubbed from their site but the archives still had the info). He was pushing the agenda of the American Federation for Children (in which his name no longer appears) which was created by Betsy DeVos (Mrs. Common Core). Corey has since been dismissed from AFC probably because of his extra-curricula behaviors but he is still working in many states to push the UNESCO agenda. If you agree Governor Lee’s voucher program is not good for TN then make sure your TN legislators know they must vote NO for school vouchers…..this is not choice. TN already has school choice. What choice do parents in TN not have?? This is a funding scheme to destroy private and home school education in the future and the TN taxpayer will fund it. I believe most of our legislators (including our Governor and AG) are illiterate to what is taking place outside the borders of Tennessee. This scheme like all the others will not provide better education opportunity for Tennessean children. There is a solution but this is not it. The solution will require hard work and divorcing our state from the unconstitutional federal Department of Education/Labor. I could provide tons of documentation about UNESCO but Alex Newman gives you a good idea of what has been taking place in education and the real agenda in this 17 min. VIDEO (you might also want to read his 2 books: Crimes of the Educators and Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It)
UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab ARCHIVE - take note to DeAngelis’s career focus (Economic Policy)
January 29, 2025 Dr. Joe Wolverton will do a ZOOM presentation. The presentation is called: MAKE AMERICA STATES AGAIN and will talk about the rightful, constitutional act of Nullification. REGISTRATION LINK (type over my info with your info)
February 3, 2025 Dr. Joe Wolverton will do a live presentation on MAKE AMERICA STATES AGAIN at the February meeting of East Tennessee Freedom. The meeting starts at 6pm ET. The meeting address is: Calvary Chapel 110 West Locust Street, Johnson City, TN 37604
Dr. Wolverton testified in support of the TN nullification process bill during the 3.5 hours summer study conducted by the Senate State and Local Government Committee. Dr. Wolverton is also one of our TNCSS constitutional experts.
Joe Wolverton II, JD
Constitutional Law Scholar·JBS | Freedom's Voices
Dr. Joe Wolverton II, J.D. is the constitutional law scholar of The John Birch Society, a former constitutional attorney, and a nationally renowned constitutional scholar and educator, celebrated for his passionate defense of liberty and the principles of the Founding Fathers. As a prolific writer and speaker, Joe has captivated audiences across the country with his deep understanding of the Constitution, federalism, and state sovereignty. A dynamic speaker, Joe has a unique ability to make complex legal concepts accessible and engaging. He is the author of several books, including The Real James Madison, The Founders Recipe, What Degree of Madness, and his latest Article V Guide for Citizens and Citizen-Legislators, all of which are highly regarded by constitutionalists and patriots alike. His presentations are not just lectures, but a call to action for all who value freedom. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn from one of today’s most influential voices on liberty!
Got to get rid of the pritzker tranny canoodling lee. Stop the spraying. Why is ot they can spray over the GSMNP when that airspace is closed? That's how you know its the military.
Hello Karen Bracken and concerned readers. There was an anti-geoengineering bill passed in the Tennessee legislature last year. However, the bill lacked an enforcement provision, thus no arrests or fines have followed. Here's a more realistic Action pending approval in Kentucky. >>> Kentucky General Assembly - House Bill 22 >>> Filed 01/07/25 >>> Summary:
“Create new sections of KRS Chapter 512 to make findings and declarations regarding the dangers of atmospheric polluting activities and the Commonwealth's authority to prohibit geoengineering; define terms; make criminal atmospheric pollution a Class D felony; require that a person found guilty of criminal atmospheric pollution pay a civil penalty of not less than $500,000 in addition to all other penalties authorized by law; provide that each day that a person engages in criminal atmospheric pollution constitutes a separate offense; empower all peace officers of the Commonwealth to enforce the provisions of the section; require the arresting officer to issue a notice to the appropriate federal agency that those activities cannot be lawfully carried out in the Commonwealth.” [End quote]
Complete text including additional links: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/25rs/HB22.html